This leveled-up Italian-style Imperial pilsner is brewed with full-on abondanza! The word ‘doppio’ is actually Italian for ‘double’ (not just a play on the word dope, though it is that, too!) and since we like to think of Super Doppio as a ‘double pilsner’, we couldn’t resist giving a nod to the non-existent beer style in the name. Super Doppio is brewed with grain bill including Spelt, the classic Roman Marching Grain, to give it that delicious smoothness, and then continually hopped with spicy, noble Spalt hops. We hit it with another dry hopping session with a blend of Aramis and Saaz hops following fermentation to give it those floral and citrusy notes.
Product Attributes
Style | ABV | IBUs | Availability |
Double Pilsner | 7% | 40 | Limited |

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